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middle earth 〔詩〕地球〔因在天國和地獄之間〕。

middle east

The tdrss ( tracking and data relay satellite system ) is a system which can supply the data relay and tt & c ( telemetry tracking and command ) service for the aircraft which are low and middle earth orbit and other aircrafts , aircraft and earth station 跟蹤與數據中繼衛星系統tdrss ( trackinganddatarelaysatellitesystem )是為中、低軌道的航天器與航天器之間、航天器與地面站之間提供數據中繼、連續跟蹤與軌道測控服務的系統。

Our own south island has it all : stunning snowy peaks , crystal clear waters , and scenery so striking it can pass for the mythical reaches of tolkien ' s middle earth 我們自己的南島擁有一切:美麗的雪峰,晶瑩清澈的湖水和能夠與托爾金筆下中土里的夢幻天地媲美的動人景色。

They lacked the clearly demarcated wholeness which he considered the essential virtue of his own middle earth 他認為它們缺乏整體方面的清晰界線,而這一點恰恰是托爾金認為自己創造的中世紀最主要的優點。

Other than a distressing lack of quality hair care products , things are fine in middle earth 除了缺乏優質護發產品這一點讓人苦惱,中土世界可說是萬事順心。

Low in dark middle earth 深深地在地底下黑暗處。

In a cave of the dark middle earth 在地底下黑暗的洞穴里。